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 Enshrienment of 152 Waki Relic Pagodas & Kathina Ceremony at Dawei Temple, Myanmar


(WAki International Media Center 5th December) On November 12, 2023, Dawei Temple in Mon State, Myanmar held the Kathina Ceremony and the Enshrinement of 152 waki relics pagodas. The ceremony was auspiciously attended by 152 temple abotts and more than 2,000 devotees. The devotees offered robes to the sangha members in order to accumulate the great merits.

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In the afternoon, the Enshrinement waki relic pagodas Ceremony was lead by the most respected Myazeti Sayadaw. Sayadaw stated that the Kathina Ceremony was special and full of merits because devotees not only had the oportunity to offer robes in the kathina ceremony,but also were able to rejoice the merits of the enshrinement of waki relic pagodas. Besides, Sayadaw was so glad to see the Relic Pagodas being enshrined at this place as that symbolised the joy of all pagodas enshrinement in parts of the world.

A group of people sitting in a room with a table full of food

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In the past 2 years, the Waki Relic Museum and the Parami Temple in Myanmar have enshrined over 3000 Waki Relic Pagodas in various countries, including Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, America, Norway, Sweden, Netherlands, New Zealand, England, Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia, Singapore, China, Philippines, Germany, Belgium, Vatican in Italy, Taiwan, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Australia, Europe, Nepal, India and Indonesia.  

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The Mahaparinibbāna Sutra states that "The Buddha told Ananda and his devotees that his relics would be worshipped in the Deva and human realms. The sentient beings who paid homage, worshipped, and enshrined the relics would be able to accumulate great grand merits. “Ananda, seeing the relics is like seeing the Buddha. Seeing the Buddha is seeing dharma. Seeing the Dharma will see the Sangha. Seeing the Sangha is just like seeing the enlightenment. 

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Dr Teo Choo Guan, the chairman of Waki Relic Museum, expressed gratitude for the trust and support of Sangha Members enabling the Waki Relic Museum to fulfill the late Sayadaw's wish to enshrine 84,000 Waki Relic Pagodas in temples around the world, providing opportunities for Buddhists around the world to pay homage to relics of Shakyamuni Buddha and his disciples. 

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Therefore, Waki Relic Museum reaffirms its commitment to continue organizing  

Enshrinement Waki Relic Pagoda Ceremony until the enshrinement of the 84,000 Waki Relic Pagoda is completed. WAKI Relic Museum strongly believe in the words of the late Sayadaw, each Waki Relic Pagoda symbolizes the light of Buddhism. When 84,000 Waki Relic Pagodas are enshrined globally, the light of Buddhism is expected to illuminate the entire universe, ensuring the prosperity of Buddhism for the next 2500 years. 

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A group of people posing for a photo

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